package models import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "errors" "strconv" "strings" "" ) type Item struct { Id int64 `db:"id"` Title string `db:"title"` Summary string `db:"summary"` Summary_rendered string `db:"summary_rendered"` Description string `db:"description"` Description_rendered string `db:"description_rendered"` Active int `db:"active"` Tags string `db:"tags"` Type_id int64 `db:"type_id"` Categories string `db:"categories"` Notebooks string `db:"notebooks"` Crypted int `db:"crypted"` Hidden int `db:"hidden"` On_dashboard int `db:"on_dashboard"` On_dashboard_position int `db:"on_dashboard_position"` Type_title string `db:"type_title"` Type_icon string `db:"type_icon"` Type_show_summary int `db:"type_show_summary"` Type_show_description int `db:"type_show_description"` FieldsOnList []Field FieldsValues []FieldValue FieldsValuesMap map[int64]map[int]string } type ItemRelation struct { Item_id int64 `db:"item_id"` Related_item_id int64 `db:"related_item_id"` Relation_type string `db:"relation_type"` Title string `db:"title"` Categories string `db:"categories"` Tags string `db:"tags"` Type_title string `db:"type_title"` Type_icon string `db:"type_icon"` } type ItemModel struct { *BaseModel } func (model *ItemModel) One(id int64) (*Item, bool, error) { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() var row Item query := `SELECT bmi.*, bmt.title AS type_title, bmt.icon AS type_icon, bmt.show_summary AS type_show_summary, bmt.show_description AS type_show_description FROM bm_item bmi INNER JOIN bm_type bmt ON WHERE = $1` err := model.DB.GetContext(ctx, &row, query, id) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, false, nil } return &row, true, err } func (model *ItemModel) Delete(id int) (bool, error) { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM bm_item WHERE id = $1`, id) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return false, nil } _, err = model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM bm_item_relations WHERE id = $1 OR related_item_id=$1`, id) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return false, nil } _, err = model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM bm_item_fields WHERE item_id = $1`, id) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return false, nil } _, err = model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM bm_item_keywords WHERE item_id = $1`, id) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return false, nil } return true, err } func (model *ItemModel) Search(searchText string, criteria map[string]any) ([]Item, bool, error) { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() var params []interface{} var conditions []string var cond string var conditions_criteria []string var cond_criteria string query := `SELECT DISTINCT bmi.*, bmt.title AS type_title, bmt.icon AS type_icon FROM bm_item bmi INNER JOIN bm_type bmt ON INNER JOIN bm_item_keywords bit ON ` for field, value := range criteria { switch field { case "notebook_id": if value != nil { valint := value.(int64) if valint > 0 { valstr := "|" + strconv.FormatInt(valint, 10) + "|" params = append(params, valstr) conditions_criteria = append(conditions_criteria, "INSTR(bmi.notebooks, ?) > 0 ") } } } } if len(searchText) > 0 { params = append(params, strings.ToLower(searchText)) conditions = append(conditions, "bit.keyword = ? ") } for _, s := range strings.Split(searchText, " ") { s = strings.ToLower(s) if len(s) > 0 { params = append(params, s) conditions = append(conditions, "bit.keyword = ? ") } } for _, condition := range conditions { if len(cond) > 0 { cond = cond + " OR " } cond = cond + condition } for _, condition := range conditions_criteria { if len(cond_criteria) > 0 { cond_criteria = cond_criteria + " AND " } cond_criteria = cond_criteria + condition } len_cond := len(cond) len_cond_criteria := len(cond_criteria) if len_cond_criteria > 0 || len_cond > 0 { query = query + "WHERE " } if len_cond_criteria > 0 { query = query + cond_criteria if len_cond > 0 { query = query + " AND (" + cond + ")" } } else { if len_cond > 0 { query = query + " (" + cond + ")" } } query = query + ` ORDER BY bmi.title` var rows []Item err := model.DB.SelectContext(ctx, &rows, query, params...) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, false, nil } return rows, true, err } func (model *ItemModel) Find(criteria map[string]any, offset int64) ([]Item, bool, error) { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() var params []interface{} var conditions []string var cond string query := `SELECT DISTINCT bmi.*, bmt.title AS type_title, bmt.icon AS type_icon FROM bm_item bmi INNER JOIN bm_type bmt ON ` for field, value := range criteria { switch field { case "Title": valstr := value.(string) if len(valstr) > 0 { params = append(params, valstr) conditions = append(conditions, "bmi.title LIKE '%' || ? || '%'") } case "Tags": valstr := value.(string) if len(valstr) > 0 { params = append(params, valstr) conditions = append(conditions, "bmi.tags LIKE '%' || ? || '%'") } case "type_id": valint := value.(int64) if valint > 0 { params = append(params, valint) conditions = append(conditions, "bmi.type_id=?") } case "notebook_id": if value != nil { valint := value.(int64) if valint > 0 { valstr := "|" + strconv.FormatInt(valint, 10) + "|" params = append(params, valstr) conditions = append(conditions, "INSTR(bmi.notebooks, ?) > 0") } } case "category_id": if value != nil { valint := value.(int64) if valint > 0 { valstr := "|" + strconv.FormatInt(valint, 10) + "|" params = append(params, valstr) conditions = append(conditions, "INSTR(bmi.categories, ?) > 0") } } case "On_dashboard": valint := value.(int) if valint > 0 { params = append(params, valint) conditions = append(conditions, "bmi.on_dashboard=?") } } } for _, condition := range conditions { if len(cond) > 0 { cond = cond + " AND " } cond = cond + condition } if len(cond) > 0 { query = query + "WHERE " + cond + " " } query = query + ` ORDER BY bmi.title` params = append(params, offset) query = query + ` LIMIT 10 OFFSET ?` var rows []Item err := model.DB.SelectContext(ctx, &rows, query, params...) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, false, nil } return rows, true, err } func (model *ItemModel) Create(Item *Item) (int64, error) { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() markdown := *model.GetMarkdown() var bufSummary bytes.Buffer markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Summary), &bufSummary) Item.Summary_rendered = bufSummary.String() var bufDescription bytes.Buffer markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Description), &bufDescription) Item.Description_rendered = bufDescription.String() query := `INSERT INTO bm_item (type_id, title, summary, summary_rendered, description, description_rendered, on_dashboard, tags, notebooks, categories) VALUES (:type_id, :title, :summary, :summary_rendered, :description, :description_rendered, :on_dashboard, :tags, :notebooks, :categories)` result, err := model.DB.NamedExecContext(ctx, query, Item) if err != nil { return 0, err } id, err := result.LastInsertId() if err != nil { return 0, err } return id, err } func (model *ItemModel) Update(Item *Item) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() markdown := *model.GetMarkdown() var bufSummary bytes.Buffer markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Summary), &bufSummary) Item.Summary_rendered = bufSummary.String() var bufDescription bytes.Buffer markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Description), &bufDescription) Item.Description_rendered = bufDescription.String() query := `UPDATE bm_item SET title=:title, type_id=:type_id, summary=:summary, summary_rendered=:summary_rendered, description=:description, description_rendered=:description_rendered, tags=:tags, on_dashboard=:on_dashboard, categories=:categories, notebooks =:notebooks WHERE id = :id` _, err := model.DB.NamedExecContext(ctx, query, Item) if err != nil { return err } return err } func (model *ItemModel) AddToDashboard(id int64) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() query := `UPDATE bm_item SET on_dashboard=1 WHERE id = :id` _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id) if err != nil { return err } return err } func (model *ItemModel) RemoveFromDashboard(id int64) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() query := `UPDATE bm_item SET on_dashboard=0 WHERE id = :id` _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id) if err != nil { return err } return err } func (model *ItemModel) SaveKeywords(Item *Item, fields *[]Field, fieldsValues map[int64]map[int]string) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() var keywords []string keywords = append(keywords, Item.Type_title) var categories_int []int64 categories_str := strings.Split(strings.Trim(Item.Categories, "|"), "|") for _, category_str := range categories_str { category_int, _ := strconv.ParseInt(category_str, 10, 64) categories_int = append(categories_int, category_int) } categoryModel := &CategoryModel{DB: model.DB} categories, _, _ := categoryModel.Find(categories_int) for _, category := range categories { keywords = append(keywords, category.Name) } keywords = append(keywords, strings.Split(Item.Tags, ",")...) keywords = append(keywords, strings.Split(Item.Title, " ")...) for _, field := range *fields { if field.Widget != "url" { values, found := fieldsValues[field.Type_field_id] if found { for _, value := range values { keywords = append(keywords, value) } } } } query := `DELETE FROM bm_item_keywords WHERE item_id = $1` _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, Item.Id) if err != nil { return err } stmt, err := model.DB.Prepare(`INSERT INTO bm_item_keywords (item_id, keyword) VALUES($1, $2)`) for _, keyword := range keywords { keyword = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(keyword)) if len(keyword) > 1 { _, err = stmt.ExecContext(ctx, Item.Id, keyword) } if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (model *ItemModel) AddRelation(id int64, related_id int64, relation_type string) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() query := `INSERT INTO bm_item_relations (item_id, related_item_id, relation_type) VALUES($1, $2, $3)` _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id, related_id, relation_type) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (model *ItemModel) UpdateRelation(id int64, related_id int64, relation_type string) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() query := `UPDATE bm_item_relations SET relation_type=$1 WHERE item_id=$2 AND related_item_id=$3` _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, relation_type, id, related_id) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (model *ItemModel) DeleteRelation(id int64, related_id int64) error { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() query := `DELETE FROM bm_item_relations WHERE item_id=$1 AND related_item_id=$2` _, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id, related_id) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (model *ItemModel) GetRelations(id int64) ([]ItemRelation, bool, error) { ctx, cancel := database.GetContext() defer cancel() query := `SELECT bir.item_id, bir.related_item_id, bmi.title, bmi.categories, bmi.tags, bmt.title AS type_title, bmt.icon AS type_icon, bir.relation_type FROM bm_item bmi INNER JOIN bm_type bmt ON INNER JOIN bm_item_relations bir ON WHERE bir.item_id=$1 UNION SELECT bir.item_id, bir.related_item_id, bmi.title, bmi.categories, bmi.tags, bmt.title AS type_title, bmt.icon AS type_icon, bir.relation_type FROM bm_item bmi INNER JOIN bm_type bmt ON INNER JOIN bm_item_relations bir ON WHERE bir.related_item_id=$1 ` var rows []ItemRelation err := model.DB.SelectContext(ctx, &rows, query, id) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, false, nil } return rows, true, err }